2013-09-18 BBB Collection
BBB Flitwick (working title) is the first in a series of bespoke headline faces for Esquire UK’s Big Black Book, in this case, issue 2.
2013-03-14 1+1+1=3 Volume II

When we first designed 1+1+1=3 for Culturgest, we already knew it was going to be a series of exhibitions within a strict format, with an accompanying series of publications, also in a strict format.
2013-03-05 Ten for Octavo

We’re happy about the launch of the ninth and tenth books in Octavo publicaties’ series.
2013-02-11 WTW, finished

We’re proud to announce the first issue of Peter Biľak’s new Works That Work magazine.
2012-11-01 WTW

We’re working on the design of Works that Work, a new magazine of unexpected creativity, founded by Peter Biľak.
2011-11-04 What it is / How it functions?

At 113 × 175 mm, this catalog for Alexander Gutke is the smallest book we’ve made so far.
2011-09-05 Object Iteration

Masthead for Mk. Magazine, based on François Rappo’s new Genath typeface.
2010-10-15 Last Exit

Getting samples of the printed sheets for a book is always an exhilarating and daunting moment at once.
2010-10-04 Dear Reader
Here it is.
2010-07-03 Summertime Fonts
2010-06-09 You know a conjurer gets no credit

You know a conjurer gets no credit when once he has explained his trick; and if I show you too much of my method of working, you will come to the conclusion that I am a very ordinary individual after all.
– The character Sherlock Holmes, in Arthur Conan Doyle, “A study in Scarlet”. London: Ward ...
2010-02-27 Dummies

While developing a book collection for Octavo publicaties, we gathered a ton of dummies.