Jesper Just – Film Works 2001 – 2007
Just’s film work employs a sort of formal perfection that turns almost every single frame of his work into a photograph. When we were commissioned to design a book about his work – a sort of a monograph – we wanted to convey a sense of movement and narrative that is normally hidden due to the nature of the book medium.
We worked in close collaboration with Sophie van Olfers, the curator of the show and Solange de Boer the editor, in the structure of the content in the publication: three essays in three languages, overview of key work and extra material around Just’s production method.
The publication features five works, a synchronous overview of Just’s oeuvre, showing direct visual quantitative relations in his films about durations, colours, moods and formats and four essays.
The grid imposed on and by the film sections is employed to differentiate the book’s three languages (English, Dutch and German).
For Witte de With, Rotterdam; S.M.A.K., Gent & Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kraichtal, 2007. 244 pp., 15.2×24.5 cm.